
We bring you the latest from around the World in wildlife and conservation news.

Discovery Of New Snow Leopard Habitat In India Means That Population Is Increasing

Conservationists believe the snow leopard population in India is increasing after discovering their presence along the Sutlej River in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Snow leopards are amongst the most elusive species on the planet so it was not easy to discover their new habitat. Footage of the snow leopards were captured from camera traps placed in remote areas of the Lippa Asrang Wildlife sanctuary.

WWF Report Suggests Humans Have Wiped Out 60 Per Cent Of All Wildlife

A major report produced by WWF suggests that 60 per cent of all species of wildlife, including mammals, birds, fish and reptiles have been wiped out by humans. Rather unsurprisingly leading conservationists are warning that this human induced mass extinction is an emergency that threatens our own species itself. The WWF report was produced in collaboration with 59 scientists from all over the world and found the cause of the massacre is the direct consequence of huge and increasing food and natural resource consumption.

WWF Partners With Sky Ocean Rescue

WWF is partnering with Sky Ocean Rescue to restore and protect the Earth’s amazing oceans. Few people know this astonishing statistic, but every minute an amount of plastic equivalent to a full rubbish truck is dumped into the ocean. Things have spiralled so out of control that pretty soon the reality could be one in which there is more plastic in the oceans than there are fish. If we don’t start acting quickly then that reality is likely to be realised.

Iconic Image Of Emaciated Polar Bear Not The Consequence Of Climate Change

The gut-wrenching footage of an emaciated polar bear dragging himself across a snowless landscape in Canada was meant to provoke a visceral response. It did exactly what was intended, with billions of people all over the world collectively groaning in anguish. The video was shot in August last year by a one of the founders of a non-profit called SeaLegacy and was posted to Instagram in December with the caption “This is what starvation looks like” as part of a wider discussion regarding the effects of climate change.

Indian Officials Need To Listen To Tiger Conservationists

Recently Boris Johnson went on safari in Indian’s Ranthanbhore tiger reserve and made the bold proclamation that the goal of 10,000 tigers in the wild by 2050 should be set. That may sound a little radical but if we are to save this magnificent species from extinction in the wild there needs to a major shift in the minds of everyone involved in tiger conservation. This includes politicians, policy makers, scientists and conservationists all of whom have conflicting opinions on how best to save the species in India.

King Penguin Colony Decimated

Conservationists have sounded the alarm by saying the Earth’s largest colony of king penguins has seen its population decline by nearly 90 per cent over the last thirty years. The colony resides on Île aux Cochons which is a remote island half way between Africa and Antarctica. The last time researchers visited the island, there were 2 million penguins. Recently satellite imagery and photos suggest that the population has collapsed and there are less than 200,000 remaining.

We Are Losing The War For Elephant Conservation

Over the past seven years, according to a survey conducted in 2016, nearly one in three African elephants has disappeared. That means there are less than 400,000 elephants left and conservationists say that if the poaching is not stopped it is very probable that the species will become extinct across several African countries in the coming decade. It is notoriously difficult to get accurate elephant population statistics because the most recent census took place two years ago. Nevertheless, African elephants are still considered a vulnerable species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Sea Turtles Face Fresh Challenge From Climate Change

It’s not enough that there is an existential struggle to save the endangered sea turtle, but new challenges continue to occur. In Florida the species all but vanished four decades ago. Fortunately, there was a coordinated response from conservationists, government and volunteers which saved the species from extinction in that part of the world. However, it would appear the fight is far from over and a new trend has emerged that threatens the turtle’s survival, male turtles seem to be disappearing.