Big Cat Facts
- Snow leopards are powerful predators and have the ability to kill prey up to three times their body weight.
- The fur on the belly of a snow leopard is roughly 5 inches thick!
- The tiger is the largest wild cat on the planet and measures up to 3.3 metres and can weigh as much as 360 kilograms.
- Unlike the other big cats, tigers enjoy spending time in the water and are actually good swimmers, often cooling off in pools or streams.
- The lion is the only social member of the big cat family and lives in groups known as prides which number as many as 15 lions.
- Lions can reach a top speed of 81 kmph when they hunt.
- Pound for pound the leopard is the strongest of all the big cats. They have the ability to climb trees even whilst carrying heavy prey.
- Leopards are nocturnal animals and prefer to spend the day resting either in thick bushes or up in trees.